Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Nadim's Realism Lecture

In our lecture we discussed realism. Realism is a description or a resemblance of a subject/object found in everyday life which has been portrayed/rendered from an object/subject that is not real but giving the illusion that it is real.
What first came to mind when we where in the lecture was, how would realism relate to modern games. I had a little think about specific games where the developers try to enhance a game and constantly aim to be more and more realistic. So, What makes a realistic game? is it the graphics? better AI? New Controls? a immersive storyline?

My favourite games are army based shooters, there are different types of shooters. first person shooters where the player interacts with the game through the eye of the character and third person shooters where the player interacts with the character from over the shoulder. these different types have there advantages but for each one there is a disadvantage which the other usually exceeds with so even as games become more realistic there is an aspect that makes it unrealistic.

my main point i wanted to get across is the aiming techniques. In reality a soldier would look through his gun scope and position the cross hair to the target and fires. Games have a big unrealistic aspect when it comes to aiming as a player would move the mouse which is stuck/positioned in the centre of the screen and has no option to move it within the frame, instead the whole frame/screen will move with it. However snipers in games have the most realistic targeting. as it follows the same principles as in reality as described above.

Games have developed to the point where what we look at is visually real: movements, physics and environments. but i cant stress enough about how this is recoiled. for instance a war game, players would run about in a simulated battle field but has no care of the circumstances of his actions as in games you can always start over, where as in reality a soldier would strategically move across the field, covering from his enemy's being cautious of every move as a mistake could cost him his life.

In conclusion we can assume that games will be more realistic and would be considered real in the future however in the meantime there are many aspects that remove realism from games.

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